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EU Subsidies
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Project value - PLN 2
Project results (click to see)

Project effects:

  1. Increased competitiveness of enterprises in the province. Silesian,
  2. Positive implementation of horizontal policies: sustainable development - one of the key elements of the project will be achieving effects in the form of reducing the consumption of water, electricity and losses of environmentally harmful cleaning solutions (more detailed description B.21. Implementation of horizontal principles, impact of the project on sustainable development),
  3. Increased employment in the company - as a result of the project implementation, it is planned to create a new job,
  4. Entering new markets with a new product, primarily Scandinavian markets,
  5. Increased expenditure on R&D among SMEs, thanks to creating the image of a modern, innovative company and undertaking appropriate information activities (information about the project on the website, at fairs and in contact channels with recipients),
  6. Conducting additional training for newly employed employees related to preventing discriminatory behavior in the workplace. Information about the project in accordance with the WCAG 2.0 accessibility rules.
picture of the project description
Project value - Implementation of innovative technology that automates aerosol production lines by loading cans onto the feeding table and formatting cans for loading for aerosol producers as a way to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by strengthening the Company's competitiveness. EU funding for the project: PLN 311
Project results (click to see)
picture of the project description
Project value - Purchase of pro-innovative consulting services in order to introduce a product innovation to the market - a fully automated device for conducting the CIP technology cleaning process with innovative features. EU funding for the project: PLN 57
Project results (click to see)
picture of the project description
Project value - Promotion of the company's innovative products Solmatic Group on foreign markets as an opportunity to strengthen the company's international position. Project co-financing from the EU: PLN 336
Project results (click to see)
picture of the project description
Project value - Implementation of an innovative IT system, adapted to the specificity and needs of the Applicant, is the key to full automation of business processes and achieving a competitive advantage. EU funding for the project: PLN 83
Project results (click to see)


picture of the project description
Project value - Universal hybrid aerosol production device. EU funding for the project: PLN 333
Project results (click to see)
picture of the project description
Project value - Research and development work of the company Solmatic sp. z oo sp. k. leading to the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills to create an innovative washing station for conveyor belts applicable in the food processing industry. Project co-financing from the EU: PLN 1
Project results (click to see)